Infusions and teas are very healthy drinks that have many properties for our organism. They are purifying, so they help us to detoxify the body and at the same time they have important vitamin and mineral contributions. But, in addition, they are very versatile drinks, which are great both hot and cold. So we can drink them in winter, very hot, to warm up. Or we can make them in their most refreshing version for the hottest days. And that is precisely what we bring you today: a refreshing recipe for an Iced Tea with Raspberries. Do you dare to try it?
But, in addition, if we prepare these drinks cold, they are a perfect substitute for soft drinks. They contain no more sugar than the sweetener of your choice, and even if you add sugar, the amount would be ridiculous compared to that of soft drinks. Although in many occasions it is not necessary to include any type of sweetener, since it is a matter of taste.
You can also prepare an extra amount and always have it ready in the fridge for several days. It is a great way to leave soft drinks aside.
If you like natural drinks, to replace soft drinks, perfect to drink cold, take a look at this delicious recipe to prepare Ginger Tea or Ginger Water. Or, this healthy Green tea with mint and lime.
Tea is a very healthy drink. Perfect for any time of the day and that, in addition, offers us a multitude of possibilities. We can combine it with a multitude of ingredients to make all kinds of drinks. Later we will see some ideas to vary the recipe.
Raspberry Iced Tea Recipe
Before we begin, you can choose the tea you prefer. Later we will see some of the options we have to help you choose, but whatever you choose, the result will be equally delicious.
The rest of the recipe has no mystery. Infuse the tea and raspberries in boiling water, let it steep for a few minutes, add the sweetener of your choice and the lemon juice, and let it cool. That’s how simple and quick it is to prepare this delicious Iced Tea with Raspberries. Let’s have a look at it:
Raspberries Iced Tea
- 1 l. Water
- 20 g Tea of your choice
- 300 g Raspberries
- 1 Lemon
- Honey or Sugar to taste
- Ice
- Start by washing the raspberries very well. Reserve
- Put the water in a small pot on the fire. Add the raspberries and bring to a boil, and when it starts to boil, add the tea (in a filter, cloth or metal) and turn off the heat. Reserve with the lid on (without removing from the fire but turned off) and let stand for about 5 minutes.
- After this time add the sugar or honey and the lemon juice.
- Let it temper and, when it is no longer hot, keep it in the refrigerator until it is very cold. Serve with ice.
Some Variations of our Iced Tea with Raspberries
If you want to give this recipe a twist, you can change or add many ingredients. Because, as we already mentioned, it is a super versatile drink.
- For example, the main ingredient: raspberries. Although they are the protagonists of our tea, you can replace them with any other red fruit of your choice. Or combine them with others such as blackberries, currants, cherries…
- Reserve some fruits to add to the frozen tea. You will get some fun and tasty cubes that will also keep our tea very cold.
- You can also substitute the lemon for any other citrus fruit of your choice, for example orange juice, grapefruit, lime juice…
- Let your imagination run wild and add fruits like there is no tomorrow. Prepare your tea as indicated in the recipe, but decorate it with pieces of all the fruits you can think of. As if it were a sangria. This way, more than a very healthy refreshment, it will be a super healthy and original dessert. For example, peaches go great with this drink.
- Do not forget the spices. When infusing the tea with raspberries, try adding a sprig of cinnamon to give it a touch of that characteristic flavor. It will be delicious!
- And finally, crush the ice cubes and serve it as a slushie to make a much more refreshing and fun drink.
Which tea to choose?
There are a multitude of teas to choose from. But remember that it will always be much better to buy natural tea, in herbalists or specialized stores, instead of the classic tea bags that we can find in supermarkets. The more natural it is, the better.
We must not confuse tea with infusions. Tea is a specific plant, Camellia sinensis. However, we find infusions of all kinds of plants, roots, flowers … Let’s see some options of tea, which, although they are all from the same plant, differ in the treatment or subsequent consevación, or at the time of harvesting.
- Green Tea, the most classic.
- Black Tea, in this case, the leaves of Camellia sinensis have been fermented before drying to obtain that dark color and intense flavor. Black tea is one of the teas that best combines with red fruits, so if you are a tea lover, this is your best option.
- White tea, this is fresher and has a milder flavor than black tea. So if you are not a regular tea drinker, maybe you should start with this one.
- Red Tea, or Pu-erh, is fermented in caves.
- Blue tea, or Oolong tea, has an intermediate oxidation point between green and black.
And with this we finish this refreshing recipe to prepare a healthy and light drink, perfect for the hottest days. If you liked it, remember to leave us your comments, ideas, tips, opinions… We love to read them! And don’t forget to follow us on social networks to keep up to date with all our publications. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.