Pizzas are the most delicious food of all. Who doesn’t like a good, freshly made pizza? And even more if it is a pizza with homemade dough. We want to start our recipe blog with a thick and fluffy homemade pizza dough; which is also very easy to make. Undoubtedly, with this homemade pizza dough recipe you will get a spectacular dinner.

When you have your dough ready, you can put your favorite toppings on the pizza, or follow the recipe and make a simple pizza with basil and cheese.
Thick and Fluffy Homemade Pizza Dough Recipe
To make this thick and fluffy pizza dough recipe we will need fresh yeast – be sure to check the expiration date on the yeast package! It’s usually around the kitchen and it’s typically months after use. Yeast that is too old may be dead and will not fail the dough fermentation process.
Regarding the flour, you can use regular flour instead of the bread flour called for in the recipe (also known as power flour or baker’s flour), but bread flour is higher in gluten than regular flour and will make a crispier crust for your pizza.
In this recipe we are going to make the best thick and fluffy pizza dough recipe. This pizza will be super tender and delicious.
Thick and Fluffy Homemade Pizza Dough Recipe
- 3 cup Strong Flour (300 grams)
- 1 Yeast sachet
- 2 tablespoon Olive oil
- 1 Cup Tomato Sauce
- 1 Garlic clove
- 1 Tbsp Fresh basil
- 2 cup Water (200 ml)
- 1 Cup Grated mozzarella
- Grated Parmesan cheese
- Cherry tomatoes
- Salt
- Let's start with the base: Put the flour in a large bowl. Add the yeast and salt. In this mixture, make a well in the flour (leave a hole in the center), and there, add the warm water and olive oil, start mixing with a wooden spoon until you get asoft dough that will be quite wet. Place the mixture on a clean surface previously covered with flour (this way we avoid that the dough sticks to us,so pour flour also on your hands. Knead for 5 minutes until smooth. When the dough no longer sticks (if it sticks too much, add a little more flour until the dough does not stick too much) make a ball with the dough, put it back inthe bowl and cover it with a kitchen towel. Set aside. You can let the dough rise (let it rest for half an hour) if you want the dough to be thicker and fluffier.3 cup Strong Flour, 1 Yeast sachet, 2 cup Water, Salt, 2 tablespoon Olive oil
- To prepare the sauce just mix the tomato, chopped basil and crushed garlic. Add salt and pepper to taste and set aside at room temperature while you continue with the dough.1 Cup Tomato Sauce, 1 Garlic clove, 1 Tbsp Fresh basil
- Now we have to knead a little. Separate the dough into two balls and continue kneading. On a floured surface, spread the dough and start kneading. You must knead until the dough has tension, that is, the dough returns to its original shape. This is how it should be. With a rolling pin, shape it. The dough should be very thin because it will rise in the oven. Place the dough on the baking sheet on a baking paper to prevent it from sticking to the baking sheet.
- To finish the recipe, let's bake. We start by preheating the oven to 390ºF. We cover our pizza dough with the sauce we have prepared. We can help us with the back of a spoon to spread the sauce well throughout the dough.Cover with the two types of grated cheese, put the cherries and season to taste. If you like oregano you can sprinkle a little on top (it will look great). Bake for 8-10 minutes until crispy, and now you have your delicious thick and fluffy homemade pizza dough ready!1 Cup Grated mozzarella, Grated Parmesan cheese, Cherry tomatoes, Salt
Have you tried changing the tomato for cream? This is the base of the carbonara pizza.
With this pizza dough recipe you will surprise everyone.
When was pizza born?
In “Taste of Recipes“, besides showing you delicious recipes, we want you to learn some curiosity with each one of them. Surely you all know that pizza is an Italian dish, very popular especially in Naples, where it comes from. This recipe was born in the 17th century, although the exact year is unknown.
Although, without the tomato ingredient, some authors indicate that it is much older. In fact, ancient peoples such as the Greeks ate “flatbreads”, bread dough rolled out like a pizza to which onion and aromatic herbs were added.
1 It is one of the most consumed dishes in the world (it is estimated that 5 billion pizzas are sold every year).
2 And the fact is that 20% of restaurants worldwide are pizzerias.
3 The most common cheese used to prepare this dish is Mozzarella cheese.
4 The most expensive pizza in the world costs $8,300. This is the price charged by its creator, Renato Viola, who prepares the pizza in your own home with the best ingredients, from caviar to seafood.
5 The first pizzeria was born in Naples, of course, in 1830, under the name “Antica Pizzeria Port’Alba”.
If you want to see other homemade pizza recipes do not miss the 4 cheese pizza or the classic and famous barbecue pizza.
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I will try your recipe! I love fluffy pizzas.