Today we are going to see how to prepare a very healthy drink with a multitude of medicinal properties: ginger water or ginger tea. It is a simple infusion that we make with ginger. Very popular throughout Asia. Ginger, its main ingredient, has a pleasant lemony flavor and a slight spicy touch. We can enjoy this infusion both cold, for the hottest days. Or also hot, in winter. So, if you want to try this great infusion, stay to see how to prepare ginger tea, also known as ginger water. In addition, we will learn about the properties, benefits, uses and many variants of this recipe.

Teas or infusions are ideal to replace soft drinks. They are delicious drinks with a multitude of beneficial properties for our organism. In addition, they are natural drinks, especially if we make them ourselves. If you also like them, take a look at this Rooibos Infusion. Or Green Tea with mint and lime; or this delicious Basil Tea with Red Fruits.
In addition, if they are with ginger as the one we bring you today, you can benefit from all its properties. Did you know that it is considered a superfood? Don’t miss: Orange and Ginger Kombucha, a delicious touch to prepare natural flavored soft drinks.
But, before we go with the Ginger tea recipe. Let’s start by learning a little more about this popular root.
What is Ginger
Ginger is a plant of the zingiberaceae family, like turmeric or cardamom. This root has been used for centuries for its medicinal properties, especially in Asian countries. In addition, it is a very versatile condiment in the kitchen. Since we can include it in a multitude of recipes of all kinds. From savory recipes such as Tomato, Carrot and Ginger Cream; to sweet ones: Ginger and Cinnamon Cookies Recipe or Hot Chocolate spiced with ginger.
But always remember to use it in the right amount, because its powerful flavor and spicy touch could ruin any recipe if we overdo it.
Ginger tea or ginger water recipe
This recipe is very simple. It is a very easy to prepare drink; and, although you can buy this tea already prepared in the classic tea bags, or buy powdered ginger, we advise you to use fresh ginger. Because, in addition to being much healthier, you will greatly notice the difference in the taste of the tea. It is true that the roots are of good size. But we can store them without problem in the refrigerator. Wrapping the fresh ginger in plastic wrap, it will last up to 3 weeks in the refrigerator.
Keep it in the vegetable drawer, wrapped in plastic wrap, and you can use it in many other recipes. As already mentioned, you can drink the ginger tea or ginger water cold, this way you will have a very refreshing and healthy drink for the summer. Once finished, let it cool and serve with ice cubes. Or we can drink it hot, a perfect way to warm up on cold days. This warm ginger tea will tone our body while it will be a great ally to prevent or cure flus and constipated so typical of autumn or winter, as it is a powerful antibacterial, while strengthening our immune system.
But later we will see in detail all the benefits of consuming ginger tea or ginger water. Let’s go now with the recipe.
How to make ginger water
To prepare this healthy infusion we need fresh ginger, water and a sweetener of your choice.I recommend you to choose honey. But try to avoid sugar so that it remains a beneficial drink for our organism.
We can prepare our infusion with fresh ginger sliced or grated, as you prefer. We opt for the first option, as it is more convenient and faster. Remember to cut the slices very finely to make the most of the ginger. Once it is ready, peel it and cook it in water for 10 to 20 minutes.
The time will depend on the intensity you want to give it attention. The longer it cooks, the stronger and more spicy flavor it will have.
We can also add a little lemon. Well, it combines great with ginger, but if you prefer you can omit it.
How to make ginger tea or ginger water
- 500 ml Water
- 2 Slices Ginger
- 1-2 teaspoons Honey
- 1/2 Lemon (juice only)
- Put the water in a small pot and bring to a boil.
- When it starts to boil, add the ginger. Let it cook for 10 minutes. 20 if we want a more intense flavor.
- Remove from heat, cover the pot and allow to infuse for another 10 minutes.
- Strain the tea, add honey and lemon juice. Serve hot or let it cool. If you prefer it cold, you can serve it with ice.
Benefits and properties of ginger tea.
Ginger has been used for centuries in natural medicine due to all its medicinal and healing properties. And one of the easiest ways to enjoy all its qualities is to make this water or ginger tea. As well as being a healthy drink of the most natural, it will provide us with a multitude of nutrients and vitamins essential to maintain an iron health. Let’s see what are its properties and benefits:
- Ginger tea is perfect to prevent or reduce symptoms of flu or seasonal colds: It has antibacterial and antiviral properties while, thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, combat the pain caused by inflammation of the throat. But, if we add honey, lemon and take it very hot, it will be the perfect ‘medicine’ to treat any cold, flu, constipated…
- It is a perfect drink for all those who are looking to lose weight. Ginger has a powerful satiating effect, but, in addition, its thermogenic action will help our body to burn fat.
- All this, together with its diuretic action, which prevents fluid retention, make it the perfect drink to keep in shape. Along with its high diuretic effect, its antifungal and bacterial properties help prevent or improve urinary tract infections.
- It reduces nausea and vomiting; and for years it has been used as a natural remedy to combat them. Ginger tea has been shown to greatly reduce nausea in pregnant women, as well as in chemotherapy patients.
Ginger is a great ally to avoid fluid retention, it also has a high depurative effect.
- Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties, as already mentioned, and also antioxidants, which in addition to preventing the aging of our cells, prevent pain such as headaches, or muscle aches. It is used to improve symptoms of arthritis, osteoporosis or different pains caused by exercise.
- Ginger tea is a great ally of our circulatory system, because thanks to its antioxidant properties and its contribution of flavonoids, improves blood circulation, while preventing diseases such as heart attacks, strokes … and controls blood pressure. But, in addition, it could prevent the appearance of blood clots, thus reducing the possibility of suffering heart attacks.
- It relieves menstrual pain with the same intensity and effectiveness as, for example, ibuprofen, but in a completely natural way. In addition to relieving these pains, it reduces their duration.
- Another benefit of ginger tea or ginger water is its ability to improve our brain function. Numerous studies have confirmed that a regular consumption of ginger could protect us against brain aging, thus reducing the risk of suffering neurodegenerative diseases. Such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, dementia… But, in addition, it not only reduces the risk of suffering from these diseases, but also improves our attention and cognitive function, especially in middle-aged women.
- And, although it is not the last by far, let’s finish with the benefits of ginger tea, with its ability to prevent certain types of cancer. Although it is something that is attributed to a multitude of foods, you will have seen that we do not usually indicate it in any of the benefits of these, because it is a very bold statement. However, numerous studies have shown that ginger has strong anti-cancer capabilities, thanks to compounds such as gingerol and shogaol, which prevent damage caused by free radicals. It can prevent some types of cancer such as lung cancer, skin cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer…
Fasting Ginger Tea
But when to drink ginger tea or ginger water to benefit from all its properties?
The truth is that you can brew this tea at any time of the day. For example, with milk and honey, it will help you fall asleep if you drink it hot. In the afternoon it is the perfect snack to avoid snacking between meals. But there are those who defend that it should be consumed on an empty stomach, in the morning. And it is that the fact of taking this tea on an empty stomach is also attributed different properties, such as helping us to start with the hydration that our body needs.
It is also very effective for those people who wake up with some kind of pain, because this ginger tea will soothe it. Being a satiating drink, it will help us to lose weight. It is also a good natural remedy for pregnant women who have nausea when they wake up, because ginger tea prevents or greatly reduces its intensity.
Possible side effects and contraindications.
Although it is not common, ginger and therefore ginger tea, like all foods, can cause certain side effects in some people. Therefore, if you start taking it on a regular basis and experience any of the following symptoms, it is best to stop or consult your doctor before continuing to include it in your diet.
- People with allergies or intolerances to this food should avoid its consumption.
- It is not recommended for children under 6 years old.
- If you are pregnant, although it has very beneficial properties, it is best to consult your doctor. Especially if you are going to take it in the last weeks of pregnancy.
- Excessive consumption can cause arrhythmias, stomach irritation, colic… so it is better to consume it in moderation.
- If you take anticoagulant drugs, ginger has a similar option to these drugs, so ingesting both at the same time can be dangerous to our health.
Other variants
This recipe is very versatile, so we can incorporate a multitude of ingredients to make different drinks. For example, the most traditional ingredients are milk; or substitute the lemon for other citrus fruits, such as lime or orange. However, we can also include: fresh mint, lemon slices (instead of the juice), cinnamon stick or ground cinnamon, orange, turmeric, nutmeg…
Ginger and pineapple tea
This is a very summery version, as it is great to drink cold. In addition, it helps us to make digestion after meals.
To prepare it, we blend half a pineapple with a small piece of ginger. The amount of ginger will be to taste, because remember that the more you add, the spicier it will taste.
Optionally, you can add a little mint or mint to give it a fresher touch.
Ginger tea with cinnamon
It is very good to drink hot. In addition, cinnamon, like ginger, is also a great ally to eliminate fat from our body.
Its preparation is exactly the same as ginger tea, only that we will add a cinnamon stick at the time of cooking, or a little cinnamon powder. The rest of the recipe is exactly the same.
With turmeric
We will include a slice of turmeric, or half a teaspoon of turmeric powder, when we add the ginger to the water. In this version of Ginger tea with turmeric we can also boil the ingredients instead of water in milk.
Ginger tea with milk
Instead of infusing the ginger in water, we are going to infuse it in milk. The rest of the recipe is the same as the one we have already seen. However, keep in mind that, if you make a ginger tea with milk, the ideal is to remove the lemon. You can replace the lemon with a little turmeric, cardamom or cinnamon.
Ginger and cucumber water
This option is perfect to drink cold and is ideal to detoxify the body. Add half a cucumber in the pot with the cooking water, infuse and let it cool before drinking. Optionally we can include mint and lemon.
And with this we finish our recipe for ginger tea or ginger water. And you, do you dare to try it, or do you already use to consume it? Remember to leave us your comments, ideas, tips, opinions… We love to read them.
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