Pacharán is a very popular alcoholic beverage in Spain, especially in Navarre and the Basque Country. This drink is typical of Navarre, and is made with anise and wild sloes. If you like to have a drink every now and then after eating, don’t miss this recipe to make homemade pacharán. It is very easy to make and the result is spectacular. You will obtain a natural sloe liqueur, without preservatives or any additive, ideal to put the finishing touch to your best meals. Besides, this sloe liqueur is a very good drink to improve digestion. In ancient times, Pacharan was used for its medicinal properties, thanks to its alcohol and sloes.
As we said, pacharán is made with sloes, which are harvested in mid and late summer.
The best sloes for making pacharán are those that are ripe but not soft to the touch. Be careful not to pick sloes that are still green, as they will give an acid taste to the pacharán, and the result will not be as good.
You will know that the sloes are perfectly ripe if they have a bluish-black color and are not too soft to the touch.
Although you can also find sloes in some stores, the ideal is to pick them yourself. The result will be much better and the elaboration process more gratifying. You will certainly enjoy a pleasant walk through nature in search of sloes.
Homemade Pacharan Recipe
Homemade Pacharan Recipe
- 1 l aniseed liqueur
- 200 g Wild Sloes
Optional (for flavoring)
- Cinnamon Stick
- Vanilla Stick
- Coffee Beans
- Chamomile flowers
- Once we have the sloes we are going to wash them very well. We remove all the remains of leaves that may be left. We keep only the sloes that are in perfect condition (not broken or have holes).200 g Wild Sloes
- Once cleaned, put them in a large bowl with water. Leave them there for about one hour. Remove the ones that float.
- In a wide-mouthed container, put the sloes and anise according to the indicated proportion. If you want to flavor your pacharán, below are some options.1 l aniseed liqueur
- We will leave the pacharán to macerate in a dark and cool place for 6 months before consuming it (always in a glass bottle). You can leave it a little longer but no more than 9 months.
- Approximately every 15 days, move the bottle where you are macerating the pacharan.After that time, strain it and transfer it to clean bottles. Your homemade pacharán is ready.
The final alcohol content of this liqueur is between 25 and 30% vol. But if you want it to be slightly stronger, you can replace part of the aniseed with brandy (to your liking), but the more brandy you add, the drier it will be on the palate.
Although other alcoholic beverages last a very long time in good condition, we have to consume homemade pacharan in two years at the most.
Although pacharán is very good on its own, and is ideal as a shot after meals (only on special occasions, remember that it is an alcoholic beverage); there are also recipes with it to make cocktails. Some of the best known are Pacharán with Cava, Pacharán Mojito, Sorbet or Butano (a mixture of pacharán with soda or orange juice).
Pacharán in the World
Pacharán is not a drink exclusive to Spain. Other countries also make this drink, each with its own customs. In Germany, for example, we find the Schlehenlikör, a drink made with vodka, gin or rum, macerated with sloes, different spices and sugar.
In Italy we find the Bargnolino, a very similar preparation but which also includes different spices and sugar. The result is a drink with a higher alcohol content than our sloe liqueur (around 40-45%).
Medicinal Properties?
The Pacharan, containing sloes, is rich in vitamin C.
Many people say that pacharan brings strength and energy. In addition, it is also an astringent drink, which is why it was formerly used to reduce the symptoms of gastroenteritis.
In addition, it fortifies the stomach, acts as a sedative on the nervous system, thus relieving stomach ailments and problems.
On the other hand, as we elaborate the pacharán with sloes, it has a multitude of properties and benefits provided by this fruit.
And you, did you know Pacharan and did you like the recipe? If you are lucky enough to have sloes in your area, or to be able to buy them, be sure to try it. It is very easy to prepare and you will undoubtedly love it.
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