Kefir is an important natural probiotic that has innumerable beneficial properties for our organism. Including it in our diet can mean a before and after. But, in addition to drinking the milk or yogurts that result after its fermentation, we can also use this drink in other recipes as complete and healthy, as in this smoothie that we propose today, ideal for those who want to take care of their line in a very healthy way. So join us to know this great Peach and Kefir Smoothie.

But, before we start, let’s remember what kefir is. The fungus in charge of this fermentation is also called kefir. The milk kefir (because there is also water kefir) is granulated, white in color and it is the one that “feeds” on the milk that we put in it, resulting in milk already kefirized in one or two days, depending on the size of our fungus.
Although we call the result of kefir the same as the fungus itself, it is very important to emphasize that the fungus should never be consumed. The kefir grains are not edible, so whenever you see a recipe with kefir, remember that it is with the resulting milk after fermentation.
Before you see the recipe, if you also drink kefir, or want to include it in your diet, do not miss this other great smoothie, this time Kiwi and Kefir.
Kefir and Peach Milkshake, a delicious combination
This smoothie can be made with a blender or with a blender. Keep in mind that, with the first option we will get a thicker smoothie, Smoothie type, because by crushing the peach we will obtain a more solid mixture. On the contrary, with a blender, the result will be more liquid. You can choose the one you prefer, or according to what you have at home, because either way you will get a delicious smoothie.
Once we have decided with which utensil to prepare our smoothie, we will simply crush the peach, previously peeled, together with the kefir milk. And we would already have ready a delicious and healthy Peach and Kefir smoothie.
Kefir and peach smoothie recipe
- 250 ml Kefir Milk
- 1 Peach
- 1/2 tsp Honey optional
Benefits of Peach and Kefir Smoothie
This great drink has a multitude of benefits and properties for our body. Kefir is an important supplement that has been used for all its properties for centuries.
- The main one is that kefir is an important source of probiotics, so beneficial for our intestinal health. For they help to maintain a balance in our digestive system, which favors the digestions and also strengthens our immune system.
- It is a drink rich in antioxidants. As much for the kefir as for the peach. Both are important sources of natural antioxidants, essential to keep our cells young and avoid the effect of free radicals in our body. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect.
- The peach and kefir smoothie is a source of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C, A, E, potassium, fiber…
- Finally, it is an ideal drink for all those who want to take care of their figure. As well as being a very satiating shake, it helps us to control our weight, due to its protein and fiber content.
Other alternatives to the recipe
This smoothie is very versatile and we can elaborate many versions of it. From adding a spice of our liking, to elaborate the smoothie with some more fruit. Let’s see some options:
- To flavor the peach and kefir smoothie we can add a few drops of vanilla essence or extract, a little cinnamon, a pinch of cardamom, some mint leaves, ginger if we prefer a slightly spicy touch….
- With banana it will also combine very well, besides it is an important source of potassium.
- If we want to add some more ingredients we can opt for nuts, for example, some almonds.
- Peach and kefir smoothie with spinach. Adding a handful of fresh spinach (they must be tender, the kind we can eat raw) we will obtain a very nutritious smoothie, full of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
And with this we finish this healthy Peach and Kefir Smoothie recipe. If you liked it, remember to leave us your comments, ideas, tips… We love to read them! Don’t forget that you can also follow us on social networks to keep up to date with all our publications. You will find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.