The warm weather is here and, with it, the super refreshing desserts and snacks, the Smoothies. This kind of juicy and creamy smoothies are made from fruits, and, thanks to the fact that they are crushed (instead of liquefied), none of their ingredients are lost. So it has all the nutrients and vitamins of its ingredients. Besides, we can make them with as much fruit as we can think of. And, one of our favorites, because of the combination of flavors, is this Mango and Banana smoothie, so join us to see this simple recipe.

But what are Smoothies?
Smoothies are very creamy fruit smoothies. They are elaborated crushing the fruit that we want to include, in addition to some juice, to lighten it, or water, dairy products, ice, ice creams… Since they admit many variations, and we can make smoothies of all kinds and of multitude of flavors.
The big difference between smoothies and juices is that the latter are liquefied. So we only get the juice of the fruit. Losing all its pulp, but resulting in a more liquid drink.
Smoothies, on the contrary, are very creamy shakes, we can almost drink them by spoonfuls, and, therefore, they are more filling, at the same time that we do not lose any nutrient.
In addition to making very healthy and refreshing smoothies, we can also find them for different purposes. One of the most popular are cleansing smoothies.
But, on the other hand, they are very healthy drinks. As long as we omit any type of sweetener, since, if we use fruit, it will not be necessary; and, also, if we avoid using ice cream in the recipe. So they are a healthy and refreshing option for breakfasts or snacks on hotter days.
Mango and Banana Smoothie Recipe
In the preparation of this Smoothie we are going to use two very sweet fruits, banana and mango. So it is not necessary to add any type of sweetener. But, if we want to treat ourselves, we can add a teaspoon of sugar, or any other sweetener of our taste.
The rest of the recipe is very simple. If you follow it as we propose and you elaborate the smoothie with milk, to obtain a more refreshing drink, blend the chopped fruit and freeze it beforehand. This will give you a texture more similar to a slushie and it will be much more refreshing. But this is completely optional.
These types of drinks are a great way to drink fruit, especially on hotter days. They are also a perfect way to get the little ones to start appreciating fruit as it deserves. And, remember that we can make these smoothies with as much fruit as you want, and combining it as you like.
Mango and Banana Smoothie Recipe
- 2 Bananas
- 100 g Mango
- 175 ml Milk
- 1 Tsp Sugar optional
- Start by peeling the banana. We incorporate it into the blender chopped. It is not necessary to cut it too much, because we are going to crush it.
- We also add a piece of mango, about 100 grams, peeled. Add the milk and sugar if we want to sweeten it a little more.
- Blend very well until a homogeneous texture is obtained. Serve well chilled.
Some Tips for your Fruit Smoothie
Although it is a very simple recipe to prepare, we can always give a twist to the recipe to make it much better. For example, we can freeze the fruit we use a couple of hours before preparing the recipe. This way, we will make a much more refreshing drink.
To do this, you have to freeze the fruit already cut into small cubes.
If you prefer to make a sweeter drink, add a little sugar, as in the recipe, or any other sweetener of your choice. Although, as we mentioned, since the two fruits are so sweet, it is not necessary and you can omit it perfectly.
You can also give it another touch and a spectacular aroma by adding a pinch of ground cinnamon. It goes great with this drink.
Want an even creamier drink? Add a plain yogurt or a scoop of cream ice cream, vanilla ice cream, or the flavor of your choice before crushing it. You will see that, in addition to adding flavor, it will also have a delicious texture.
Make your Smoothie with your favorite milk. For example, soy milk, almond milk, rice milk… Whatever you like.
If you liked this recipe, don’t miss this other Kiwi and Kefir Smoothie. Another super healthy drink made from the famous probiotic kefir.
And with this we finish this delicious recipe to prepare a totally homemade Mango and Banana Smoothie, and the healthiest. If you liked it, remember to leave us your comments, ideas, tips … We love to read you! You can also follow us on social networks to keep up to date with all our publications. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.