The sponge cake is a spongy sweet, made with flour, and various other ingredients that may include milk, butter, oil … In addition to other ingredients to give more flavor to the cake. They can be made with fruits, chocolate, nuts… The options for making sponge cakes are almost endless. It is a simple, humble sweet with a lot of history. That is why it has its own day on the calendar, like all recipes and foods so well known. Every August 23rd is celebrated the Day of the Sponge Cake.
This versatile sweet, although it is delicious on its own, is also the base of any cake. By simply putting a good topping on our sponge cake, we already have a cake.
Cut it in two portions, lengthwise, fill it with your favorite ingredients, and you will also get a very good cake.
But besides being the base of these delicious elaborations, there are as many versions of sponge cakes as there are homes that cook them. There are even individual cakes that can be made in a matter of minutes in the microwave: the Mug Cake.
Sponge Cake Day, August 23rd
Every August 23 is celebrated as World Cake Day, a date to commemorate this world-famous sweet.
And, although we have done a lot of research, we have not found the creator of this day, nor for what purpose this date was marked on the calendar.
But it is undoubtedly a perfect day to remember this simple sweet, bake our best cake and eat it in the company of our loved ones. It is also a day when all the bakeries make their best cakes. Well, this celebration is worldwide. So if you prefer, go out to a coffee shop or go to your favorite bakery and ask for a slice of cake.
So if you also want to celebrate Cake Day, here is a very original recipe that will surprise everyone: a spectacular Baileys Sponge Cake.
And you, do you want to celebrate Cake Day? A perfect sweet day to commemorate this simple cake so fluffy and easy to make.
If you liked it, remember to leave us your comments, ideas, tips, opinions… How are you going to celebrate Cake Day?
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