The hamburger, the queen of the so-called “Fast Food”. World famous. It is probably one of the most versatile and affordable dishes in the kitchen. That is why it has become one of the most consumed dishes in the world. It even has its own day on the calendar. Every May 28th we celebrate International Hamburger Day. But it also has a rich and ancient history, which today we want to show you. So join us to know the history and origin of the burger. A food that is older than we can imagine.
Although I’m sure you all know what they are, let’s start with a brief definition. Hamburgers are sandwiches, usually made with minced meat and accompanied by different ingredients and sauces. The combination possibilities are endless. We can even substitute the meat for vegetable or fish preparations. But in addition, taking into account the multitude of toppings that we can include, they become one of the most versatile elaborations of the gastronomy. Even in each country we can find a typical way of eating hamburgers, depending on the ingredients, customs, etc.
In addition to its versatility, it is a recipe that has centuries of history. Although the invention of this food is attributed to the United States, we could go back even further in time. And while it is true that the hamburger as we know it originated in the United States, it is because a very similar preparation came from Germany. That was the one that gave rise to the current hamburger. But, if we continue going back to Germany, this preparation came from the Mongol Empire. And so we go all the way back to the Roman Empire. So, if you also like to know the origin and history of food, join us to discover the history of the burger. You will be surprised!
But before we start, you might be interested in: 1001 Types of Hamburgers. Ingredients for hamburgers
Origin and History of the Burger
Although the Burger is an icon of American cuisine, its origin is not to be found in the New Continent. And, although its real birth is very complex, as it is not known with certainty, we will try to go back centuries to the first written references to Burger and trace its history to the present day.
Nowadays, there are still many who claim to be the inventors of the burger, but the truth is that the origin of this dish could go back centuries in history.
What is clear is that it is a recipe to which the passing of the years has been wonderful. Improving it until it became the Hamburger we know today.
First Century, the origin of the Burger in the Roman Empire
The first written references to the burger can be found in the Roman Empire, where a dish very similar to what we know today was already being consumed. We find it in the book “De re coquinaria”, by the Roman gastronome Marcus Gavius Apicius. He refers to a dish called “Isicia Omentata”, probably the first burger in history.
It was minced beef, accompanied by pine nuts and wine. This preparation was served in a kind of pie.
It was certainly not a festive dish, but quite the opposite. It was an easy to prepare and transport meal, hearty, and served to satiate the appetite of the Roman army.
History of the Hamburger in the Mongolian Empire, 12th century
And from the ancient Roman Empire, we go to Mongolia in the 12th century, the Empire of Genghis Khan. A warrior and conqueror who managed to unify all the nomadic tribes of Mongolia, creating the first Mongol Empire, one of the largest in history in terms of territorial expansion.
One of the theories of the birth of this dish is that it arose from the need of his army to have a nutritious food, easy to consume and transport during its expansion through Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The Mongolian tribes would grind the meat of poorer quality cattle to make it more edible. During their journeys, they transported it under their saddles; and thus they verified that the meat softened thanks to the pressure that the movement of the horse’s saddle exerted on it.
Thus the Mongols took this meat to Russia, where it gave rise to Steak Tartar, a preparation with raw minced meat marinated with different ingredients.
Germany, Port of Hamburg
From Russia, this preparation entered Germany, where the story gets a little more complicated. Its origin is related to two different dishes. What we do know for sure is that it was from the port of Hamburg that this recipe left for the United States. There, it became very popular, and achieved the worldwide fame it still boasts today.
Hamburg is an important port city that connects Europe with the United States.
Some gastronomic historians relate the hamburger to the “Rundstück Warm”, which literally means “hot round piece”. This dish originated in the 17th century, when bakeries in Hamburg began making round bread.
It consists of a preparation that uses the leftovers of the previous day, usually pork; which is accompanied with pickles, tomato, beet and served on top of a round bread. Its origin is in the sandwiches eaten by port workers.
In the 18th century, German immigrants arrived in the United States and set up food stalls in New York, where they served this original dish, predecessor of today’s hamburger.
Origin of the Hamburger, the Rundstück Warm or the Frikadellen?
Another version relates hamburgers to the Frikadellen, or Hamburg Steak. The Frikadellen is a dish consisting of minced meatballs, but often made with the meat flattened, like a steak. And Delmonico’s Restaurant (Manhattan), one of the first restaurants in the United States, which is still open, offered them on its menu as early as 1834.The name of this recipe comes from the Hamburg Steak, a culinary symbol of the country. As the dish gained popularity at Delmonico’s restaurant, it became more and more affordable. As a result, it became available to the entire population. While the term “hamburger steak” derived to “hamburger”; to finally, over the years, stay with the diminutive “Burger”.
The History of the Hamburger Continues in the United States
But the origin of the hamburger does not end here. For, although its German origin is clear, there are still many people in the United States who claim credit for its invention.
One of the stories tells that, in 1885, Charlie Nagreen, from Wisconsin, was working at his food stand at the State Fair; when he realized that it was uncomfortable for his clientele to eat while strolling through the fair. Charlie decided to place the meat he was selling between two slices of bread, calling it a Hamburger.
But the truth is, that after going back to the first century in search of the origin of the Hamburger, this legend seems somewhat vague, and is later than all the records we have found of this recipe.
Hamburgers make the leap to large fast-food chains
The first chain to offer hamburgers as fast food was White Castle, in 1921. This restaurant in Wichita, Kansas, specialized in this food, which was gaining fame by leaps and bounds.
Later, in the 1940s, it was the McDonald’s chain that finally popularized the hamburger as Fast Food. It was followed by chains such as Burger King.
These large fast food chains, which operated worldwide, were responsible for giving hamburgers their current popularity and for starting to make different types of hamburgers.
From fast food chains to haute cuisine
Its importance in gastronomy around the world has been such that “Fast Food” has created a new and totally opposite trend: gourmet hamburgers. Name given to elaborations of higher quality. In which meat such as Kobe or Wagyu beef is used. This trend has taken restaurant chains by storm, taking the hamburger to a higher level. Always looking for perfection in their recipes and with spectacular combinations that turn this dish of humble origin into authentic works of art not suitable for all budgets.
Gourmet hamburgers are very recent. It was in 2001 that this concept was born, thanks to French chef Daniel Boulud, based in the United States. Boulud developed a sirloin burger stuffed with foie gras. It was priced at $32.
This proposal unleashed the gourmet burger craze due to the high quality of its ingredients; giving rise to a multitude of chefs who wanted to develop their own burger recipes with ingredients never used in this dish and with combinations of haute cuisine.
What are your favorite types of burgers – meat, vegetable or fish – and what’s your favorite topping? Tell us in the comments and, if we have forgotten your favorite topping, let us know so we can include it in our list. And remember to follow us on social networks to keep up to date with all our publications. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.