Artichoke water is a refreshing and nutritious drink that has become increasingly popular due to its numerous health benefits. Therefore, today we want to learn more about this drink, its properties and health benefits, and how to make it ourselves. If you are looking for a healthy option to incorporate into your daily routine, artichoke water could be just what you need. Plus, it’s a very refreshing option for summer days, which will keep you hydrated while benefiting from all its properties.

Artichoke water is a great option to drink chilled on the hottest days. It is ideal to keep us hydrated, while we benefit from all its properties and nutrients. It is very easy to prepare, and it is also perfect as a refreshing drink. Forget about carbonated soft drinks and replace them with more natural and healthy options, like this one we propose today.
If you like these drinks, don’t miss these other great options, also very healthy. Like coconut water juice, also a drink loaded with nutrients; or lemon water, a super hydrating option ideal for replacing soft drinks.
Benefits of artichoke water
This simple drink, which consists of nothing more than letting the artichoke stand in water, provides us with a multitude of benefits and properties. Besides being very easy to prepare, it provides us with many nutrients and vitamins. Let’s take a look at it.
- Source of antioxidants. Artichoke is rich in antioxidants, compounds that help protect our cells from damage caused by free radicals. Regular consumption of artichoke water can help strengthen our immune system and prevent diseases related to aging.
- It improves our digestive system, thus promoting digestion. This drink is known for its digestive properties. It contains cynarin, a compound that stimulates the production of bile in the liver, which facilitates the digestion of fats and promotes the functioning of the digestive system in general. If you suffer from digestive problems such as indigestion or constipation, artichoke water could be an effective natural remedy.
- It helps control weight, thanks to its low caloric content and high fiber content. So it is a great ally for all those who want to lose weight or keep it under control. Fiber helps increase the feeling of satiety, which can help you control your cravings and eat less during the day.
- It is a very good drink for the liver, as artichoke helps detoxify and protect it.
- It regulates cholesterol levels. Several studies have shown that artichoke consumption can help reduce levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) and increase levels of “good” cholesterol (HDL). Artichoke water, being made from the extracts of this plant, can have a positive effect on cardiovascular health.
How to prepare artichoke water at home
Making this drink is very simple. All we need is a couple of fresh artichokes per liter of water, and let them stand, cut, in the water. It will be enough to leave this mixture overnight in the refrigerator to have this magnificent drink ready.
In addition, we can add many other ingredients. For example, a few drops of lemon, which will be great and will bring a fresher touch to our lemon water. Or a few mint leaves.
Artichoke Water Recipe
- 2 Artichokes
- 1 l Water
- 1 Lemon optional
- Start by washing the artichokes well. We remove the superficial leaves, until we reach the most tender part. These we discard them. When we reach the tender leaves, we continue separating them from the heart, but we put them in a large jar.
- When we get to the heart, we cut it into small pieces and add it to the jar.If you want to add lemon, squeeze half a lemon into the jar over the artichokes. Fill with a liter of water and let stand in the refrigerator until the next day.
- Serve, previously straining the drink, with a few ice cubes and some mint leaves.
As you can see, preparing this drink is very simple. In addition, it is a fantastic and healthy option for the hottest days. If you liked it, remember to leave us your comments, ideas, tips… We love to read them! And don’t forget to follow us on social networks to keep up to date with all our publications. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.