March 9th is a date we should all mark on our calendar. This day is the Spanish Potato Omelette Day. A true emblem of Spanish gastronomy. It is a simple dish, of very humble origins, but which has been the favorite tapa of many for years. Beyond the classic debate of whether with or without onion, what is clear is that this dish is loved by those who try it.

International Spanish Potato Omelette Day
The International Spanish Potato Omelette Day, is a very popular holiday in many parts of Spain. And, although it seems that the date that has most “curdled” to celebrate this day is March 9, the truth is that in each place it is celebrated on a different date. As you can see, the tortilla de patatas is so important in our gastronomy that it has a multitude of celebrations around it.
But let’s start with March 9, the date that, it seems, is the most deeply rooted to celebrate the Day of the Tortilla de Patatas. It has its origins in Fuenlabrada, Madrid. There, the pilgrimage of Santa Juana has been celebrated since the 15th century. On this day, the people of the town started a pilgrimage to Cubas de la Sagra, to visit the Saint.
During this pilgrimage, people brought food to take during the walk or upon arrival. And of course, one of the star foods to eat away from home, since it can be eaten cold, and is just as tasty, is the potato omelet. Over the years, this day began to be called Potato Omelette Day, due to the pilgrimage that took place where everyone ate omelette.
How to celebrate this Day
A date as special as this deserves a celebration to match. And, without a doubt, the best way to celebrate Spanish Potato Omelette Day is, without a doubt, by preparing one at home. Well, although we may think that this recipe is very difficult, it is not. Like everything else, it requires some practice, especially if we have never made one before. But practicing is how we will get better and better potato omelet.
For all of you who want to celebrate this day, here we leave you a great recipe: The potato omelette as my mother has made it all my life, I’m sure you’ll love it!
Authentic Spanish potato omelette recipe
- 3 Potatoes
- 1/2 Onion (optional)
- 4 Eggs (You can add some more eggs, the more eggs you add, the juicier the omelet will be)
- Olive Oil
- Salt
- We start our recipe by peeling the potatoes. We cut them into slices (between 1 and 2 millimeters wide). They do not have to be precise cuts (some can be wider and others thinner).If you want to use onion, cut it into thin slices.3 Potatoes, 1/2 Onion
- When we have the potatoes cut, we put enough oil in a frying pan. The oil has to cover the potatoes. When it is hot, add the potatoes and the onion and put it over medium heat. Add salt to taste. Cook for 30-40 minutes. Until the potatoes are tender.3 Potatoes, 1/2 Onion, Olive Oil, Salt
- While our potatoes are frying, we are going to prepare the eggs. In a large bowl, beat the eggs, add a pinch of salt and set aside.4 Eggs
- When the potatoes are ready, remove them with a colander to remove excess oil. We can leave them for a few minutes in a colander to drain them well. (If not, the omelette will be too greasy, and will spoil its flavor). When the potatoes are drained, put them in the bowl with the eggs. Mix carefully so as not to break the potatoes too much. Let stand about 3 minutes (with the heat of the freshly fried potatoes, the egg will begin to set).
- In the same frying pan in which we have fried the potatoes, we remove the oil, and with the oil that remains impregnated in the frying pan it will be enough to curdle our Spanish potato omelette.Pour the mixture of eggs and potatoes into the frying pan (when the oil is hot), and cook over medium heat for about 4-5 minutes. When we see that it is getting cooked, before it burns, we turn it over with the help of a large plate. Once it is curdled to taste, our delicious homemade omelette is ready.
Spanish Potato Omelette History
There are many stories and legends surrounding the origin of the potato omelette. Some legends even want to take the birth of this dish, the Spanish omelette, to Belgium. More specifically, in Badajoz, Extremadura, in the 18th century.
According to these writings, the first written recipe appears in the region of La Serena, on February 27, 1798. This writing indicates that the Spanish omelette was invented by José de Tena Godoy and the Marquis of Robledo. Two illustrious landowners from Villanueva de la Serena.
They were looking for a cheap food that would be able to alleviate famines, based on potatoes. The first thing they thought of was to make potato bread, but instead of baking it, they would cook it in a frying pan.
Together with several local women, they changed the idea to fry the potatoes in oil instead of flouring them. Adding eggs to this elaboration, they came up with the most popular and representative dish of our gastronomy.
And with this we finish celebrating the International Day of the Tortilla. An important date for Spanish gastronomy. Which tortilla do you choose to celebrate this magnificent day? Remember to leave us your comments, ideas, opinions… We love to read them! Or, how do you prefer your omelette? Undercooked or very curdled? Are you one of those who make it with onion or without onion?
And, before you go, if you want to try other delicious versions of this dish, don’t miss: Spanish Potato Omelette Stuffed with Ham and Cheese Recipe. You’ll love it!
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