Cheesecake is a very popular dessert. A simple preparation, humble ingredients, and a fame that goes around the world, make this dessert is one of the most consumed in terms of sweets. For this reason, this dessert has its own day in the calendar. Cheesecake Day is celebrated every July 30. Do you want to celebrate it with us?
This very popular dessert has a multitude of different versions, as it is very versatile. But, if there are two clear differentiated types, they are the ones that distinguish them by their elaboration: baked or unbaked cheesecake. This difference means that there are two large groups of cheesecakes that are very different from each other.
Its origin is to be found in Ancient Greece. There, it was eaten by athletes as an energy food before participating in the Olympic Games. The recipe consisted only of cheese, flour and honey. Over the years, the recipe has evolved until today.
Cheesecake Day
As with all recipes with centuries of history, this one has not stopped evolving since Greek athletes used it as an energizer.
And in the United States, this cake was so successful that many people tried to improve the recipe with different variations.
An important contribution was made by the New York Dairyman William Lawrence, who in 1872, while trying to recreate a typical French cheese cake, mistakenly obtained cream cheese. The cheese most commonly used today to make Cheesecakes.
But it was not him who included this cheese in the recipe of our popular cake, but the German immigrant Arnold Reuben. He also settled in New York. Thus creating the New York Cheesecake, the American version of cheesecake.
This sweet acquired so much fame that it became a very important part of American culture; so in 1985 it was decided to commemorate this dessert every July 30.
Did you know that La Viña cheesecake is the most famous cheesecake in the world?
A cheesecake with its own name.
La Viña cheesecake is a creation of a popular restaurant in San Sebastian, which published the recipe for its highly prized cheesecake. This recipe became so popular that it was even named flavor of the year by the New York Times. We could say that, to this day, it is the most famous cheesecake.
And you, do you dare to celebrate this magnificent day? Remember to leave us your comments, ideas, tips… We love to read you! And don’t forget to follow us on social networks to keep up to date with all our publications.
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