Aniseed Liquor Day, is celebrated on July 2. This liqueur, so popular in our country, is made from the seeds of the aniseed, the plant that gives its name to the drink. It is very popular in the countries of the Mediterranean basin and has been consumed for more than 200 years. And, to celebrate its day, today we are going to learn more about the Aniseed Liqueur, as well as some curiosities. Join us!
Licor de Anís has a pleasant aroma of licorice and fennel, since star anise, green anise and fennel are used in its preparation. And the licorice also has that peculiar flavor thanks to the anise seeds.
The anise plant, whose seeds are used to prepare this liqueur, has its origin in ancient Egypt, where it is believed to have been discovered. It was already being planted 2,000 years B.C. for medicinal purposes.
It was also used by the Romans for medicinal purposes.
Aniseed Liquor Day
Every year, on July 2nd, the Aniseed Liqueur Day is celebrated. And, although we have researched a lot about its origin, we have not been able to find it. So we do not know its creator, nor for what purpose he established this day.
But it is not surprising that it has its own place in the calendar, since it is a very popular drink, and the plant from which it comes has many properties and benefits for our body.
How to celebrate?
We can celebrate Anis Liqueur Day with a delicious and very original drink. The Palomita, did you know it?
Preparing this drink is very simple. It simply consists of a glass with aniseed, ice and water. The ideal proportion is four parts water to one part aniseed. Mix well, shaking the glass or cup in circles. The ice will help to mix well the aniseed and the water; until it takes white color. Because the aniseed in contact with the water turns white. Color that gives name to this glass, paloma or Palomita. In addition, this way it will not be as strong as the aniseed, and it will help us in the heavy digestions.
This typical drink from Madrid is very digestive and refreshing at the same time. So if you have had a heavy meal, the best thing to do is to prepare a palomita for dessert.
You can also prepare many other cocktails with aniseed, or even use it in your baking recipes to celebrate Aniseed Liqueur Day.
Did you know that…
Spain, Italy, Portugal and France are the main producers of this liqueur.
How is anise liqueur made?
Anise liqueur is obtained from the distillation of green anise and star anise in neutral agricultural alcohol.
From this distillation, many types of anise are then produced. You can find dry anise, sweet anise, candied anise….
And you, do you dare to celebrate Aniseed Liqueur Day? Remember to leave us your comments, ideas, tips and opinions, we love to read them! You can also follow us on social media to keep up to date with all our publications. You can find us on Twitter and Instagram.