Water is the greatest good we have on earth. It is fundamental for life, without it, there would be no plants, no animals, there would be no us… In short, it is essential for life. That is why something so important should have its own day in the calendar. Especially if it is to raise awareness about its consumption and a more responsible use. Join us in celebrating World Water Day, every March 22nd. A date we should all mark on our calendars.

But this day is not only to mark on the calendar. But to become aware of the great importance of water. And, thus, to make changes in our customs, in our habits; and to be participants of a responsible consumption and to avoid putting at risk this so essential good.
As we were saying, World Water Day is celebrated every March 22nd. This date was created by the United Nations (UN) in 1992. And, every year, certain topics of interest related to water are discussed. In order to make visible the importance of this natural resource. Without it, nothing as we know it would exist.
Each year, a new report is published on the development and management of the planet’s water resources. In order to supply it to all parts of the planet, raise awareness of its limitation and thus avoid its wastage or pollution. Because, as everyone knows, without water there would be no life.
Even so, there are many families in different parts of the world that do not have water in their lives. This is one of the problems (among others) that the UN Conference on Environment and Development is trying to solve.
World Water Day 2022: Groundwater: making the invisible visible
Last year’s theme was groundwater, which accounts for 99% of the Earth’s freshwater. The title is very descriptive: Making the invisible visible. Groundwater has the potential to help societies with their freshwater supply. But always creating awareness of its limitation and importance.
For life would not be possible without water. And, groundwater already provides half of the volume of water withdrawn for domestic use by the world’s population.
But just as they are a good water supply, we cannot forget that water is a limited commodity. And, in particular, groundwater is essential for the existence of rivers, wetlands and other ecosystems. That is why this year’s conference will address this issue, raising awareness of the importance of protecting groundwater from overexploitation.
The 2023 conference
This year, the UN conference has the slogan: “Accelerating Change”. In other words, the aim is to increase and maintain the changes that protect this asset. And that we all do our bit for a better future. So, what better time to take the reins and start saving (and not wasting) water at home. Join a responsible use! For the planet, and for everyone.
The objectives
The creation of this day was due to the need to find effective solutions to the serious situation we all see with water. It is a limited commodity, something we seem to have been unaware of for many, many years.
This is why we now find ourselves in a situation that, if not prevented, will not be reversed. It is believed that, together with the accelerated growth of the world’s population, the excessive exploitation of aquifers, pollution and climate change, water is at risk of disappearing if we do not do something about it.
If this were to happen, it would be the end of all life on earth.
And, as they say, better late than never, it is now our turn to look for solutions to stop wasting this precious natural resource.
Some tips for saving water
We can all do our bit and start saving water, starting with our domestic use of this essential commodity. If you want to share your tips for responsible consumption, leave them in the comments to provide more ideas for everyone.
- There are some basic tips to keep in mind that, no doubt, we all already know. In the domestic sphere, we should all have already internalized some details. For example, turn off the tap while brushing our teeth; or while soaping up in the shower. Of course, we should avoid baths, since they waste 15 times more than showers.
- Although they may seem trivial, leaks in our faucets can waste up to 11,000 liters of water. That is why it is essential to repair them and keep our faucets in good condition.
- When you run the dishwasher or washing machine, remember to fill them completely. In addition to saving a lot of water, you will also notice it in your pocket.
- Recycle. All the water you are going to throw away can be reused. For example, instead of throwing away the water from the bucket, once you have finished, use it as a “cistern” and you will avoid throwing it away a couple of times.
- Today, virtually all toilets have two flush buttons. One with a higher flow rate and one with a lower flow rate. Use them well and conscientiously. But you can always go a step further and put flow restrictors to use less water each time.
- If you have plants or a garden, always water at night. This way we can save up to 30% of water that, if done during the day, would evaporate with the sun.
Undoubtedly, if you do not already do so, start using these tips is the best way to celebrate World Water Day this year. And, of course, take them as a habit and include them in our way of life. If you also have your own tricks to save water, let us know in the comments.
Therefore, although we should all be aware of its importance on the planet, it is always a good time to take a step further and make new gestures that help to preserve it, and to use and consume it responsibly. Therefore, take advantage of World Water Day to start a new habit that will allow you to save water.
Remember to share it with us, so that together we can put on the table many tips and tricks to avoid wasting water. You can also share it with the whole world using the hashtag #WorldWaterDay.
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