Consuming seasonal foods is a perfect way to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, it brings us a multitude of benefits; both to us and to the environment. Each season of the year provides us with the foods that our body needs the most in each season. If you are also encouraged to follow a healthy diet; based on fresh and seasonal products, do not miss this complete list with the vegetables that are in season each month. Detailed by season, so that shopping is a very simple task.

Vegetables are not the only ones that we have to take into account the season. The same happens with fruit, where we will also notice it greatly in the taste, among other things. And did you know that we also have to take into account the season with fish and seafood? Well, it is just as important to respect their season, because we will also be respecting their reproductive cycles, preventing them from suffering a greater risk of overexploitation.
Don’t miss out:
Eating seasonal foods brings us a multitude of benefits
Although nowadays we can find any vegetable in the market all year round, due to imports and massive production in greenhouses; taking into account the optimal season for each food has many advantages. We will be eating more ecological and healthy food; because, by respecting their natural cycle of maturation, these foods have all their nutrients and vitamin contributions; to a greater extent than those that are produced quickly in greenhouses, with chemical products so harmful to our health and to nature. They are also cheaper foods, so, in addition to being of higher quality, we will save in our shopping cart.
On the other hand, by consuming only seasonal products, we will expand the variety of foods that we include in our diet; leading us to follow a more balanced diet, with fresh products. Something fundamental in the Mediterranean diet.
Vegetables and Seasonal Vegetables, Yearly Calendar
As we mentioned, nature provides us with the foods we need the most in each season. So let’s see in detail what vegetables are in season in each season.
What vegetables are in season in winter?
We start the year with a great variety of seasonal vegetables; with which we can make spectacular recipes. Let’s see these three months in detail.

In winter we find chard, chicory, garlic, artichoke, celery, eggplant, watercress, sweet potato, broccoli, pumpkin, lamb’s lettuce, cardoon, cabbage, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower in season.
It is also the season of endives, with which we can make these wonderful endives with spicy honey.
Endive, turnip greens, green beans, lettuce, red cabbage, turnip and cabbage are also in season. Not forgetting wild asparagus, with which to make a delicious cream of green asparagus; perfect for this cold weather.
Spinach is also in season in winter. One of our favorite vegetables and very versatile in the kitchen. Remember that in winter it is mu and important to continue eating salads, although we feel like more warm stews, we must not forget the healthy salads. And if you want to use a seasonal product, take a look at this spinach, apple and Roquefort salad. We can also make spectacular spinach and ricotta cannelloni.
And finally, at the end of winter the season of onions, peas, beans and beets begins.
Seasonal Vegetables in Spring

In spring we also find a lot of variety. It is time for chard, chicory, garlic, artichokes, celery, eggplant… Also still in season are wild asparagus, spinach, turnip greens, peas, endive and broad beans.
Pumpkin is still in season, with which we can make this wonderful pumpkin cream.
Onions and spring onions are also in season; cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, green beans, potatoes… We find lettuces, carrots, cucumbers and beets, perfect for our spring salads.
And we finish with broccoli, zucchini, peppers and padron peppers, leeks and radishes.
In Summer

With the onset of summer we say goodbye to some vegetables that were in season last months. But we welcome new ones. Artichokes are back, a very healthy food.
Also in season are eggplant, broccoli, zucchini, pumpkins, lamb’s lettuce, onions and scallions….
At the end of summer, in September, we can find the first mushrooms, in the list we indicate mushrooms, but many more will begin to appear; although as their optimal season is autumn, we will see them later.
We will also find cabbage, cauliflower, endive, spinach, green beans, lettuce, red cabbage, turnip, potatoes, cucumber, peppers and padron peppers. And we finish with leeks, radishes, cabbage and carrots.
And we finish our seasonal calendar in autumn

In autumn we find in season chard, chicory, celery, eggplant, watercress, sweet potato, broccoli, pumpkin, lamb’s lettuce and cardoons. With the latter we have to try the cardoons Navarre style, a spectacular recipe. Still in season are onions, artichokes, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, endives, endive, spinach, turnip greens, green beans… As we saw at the end of summer, the mushroom season begins. In addition to mushrooms, a mushroom with a multitude of properties and benefits. Also enter this month other wild mushrooms such as chanterelles or chanterelles; with which we can make a delicious rice with chanterelles; or stews such as chanterelles with white beans perfect for the cold that is coming.
We finish with other seasonal foods such as green beans, lettuce, turnip, potato, cucumber, peppers and padron peppers, leek and cabbage. Without forgetting the red cabbage, so typical of Christmas; like this red cabbage with apple and pine nuts recipe.
And with this we finish our annual calendar with all the vegetables that are in season in each month. If you have found this annual calendar of seasonal vegetables useful, remember to leave us your comments, ideas, opinions… We love to read you! You can also follow us on social networks to keep up to date with all our publications. You will find us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram.