Tuna is one of the fish that everyone likes the most. Even those who are not so fond of fish do not usually object when it comes to tuna. It is a fish with a high culinary value, highly appreciated in all the gastronomies of the world. In addition, its juicy flesh is very smooth and has a pleasant flavor, which makes it a very versatile fish when it comes to cooking. But do you know how many types of tuna there are?
As we were saying, tuna is a highly valued fish. In addition, it has many properties and benefits for our body. So it is a great source of nutrients and vitamins, perfect for a healthy and balanced diet. But when we go to the market, we can find different types of tuna; well, did you know that up to 15 different species have been found?
Therefore, today we want to talk about the most common types in our fishmongers. So that we know how to differentiate them and use the one that best suits us according to the preparation we want to do.
Types of Tuna
Although up to 15 species of tuna have been found, only 5 of them are consumed in our country.
It is not easy to distinguish them in the market, as we can rarely see the whole piece. Something already impossible if we talk about fishmongers in cities. To do this, we have to look very carefully at the label, in the small print.
An important detail that will also help us to differentiate it is the price, being the bluefin tuna the least economic of all, but at the same time, the most appreciated.
Bluefin tuna, Thunnys Thynus
It is the most valued at a culinary level, and also the least consumed in Spain. This is due to the fact that, being such a highly valued fish, large quantities of what is caught are exported. Above all, to Japan, where it is one of the most consumed fish.
Not many of us can afford to buy a piece of authentic fresh bluefin tuna. Its price, although it will depend on how it has been caught and where, can be around (even exceed in many occasions, depending also on the cut) the 50 € per kilo.
This tuna species is one of the most protected. Spain is the European country that catches the most bluefin tuna, between the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, and it is normally destined for fresh consumption.
Types of tuna: Albacore Tuna, or White Tuna, or Bonito del Norte
Whose scientific name is Thunnus Alalunga, perhaps one of the best known types of tuna. It is also a high quality fish. We can distinguish it from the rest because its meat is whiter.
It is fished in the Bay of Biscay and the Mediterranean, above all. Although there are also specimens in the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
We can find it fresh or canned, being this second option the most economical and, therefore, the most common way to consume it. The kilo of fresh white tuna can exceed 15 €.
Yellowfin Tuna, also known as Yellowfin Tuna, also known as light tuna
Its scientific name is Thunnus Albacares.
It is also a very appreciated fish, after the White Tuna and the Bluefin Tuna. Its flesh is pinkish and has an intense flavor.
Bigeye tuna, a type of tuna known as yellowfin tuna
Although it is a different species from Yellowfin Tuna, it is also popularly known as Yellowfin Tuna. And, like the latter, it is seriously endangered by overexploitation.
Its scientific name is Thunnus Obesus.
Another type of tuna, the Skipjack Tuna
It is the most caught tuna in the world, and the most commercialized in our country. Although we know it as skipjack tuna, it is not really a tuna. Its scientific name is Katsuwonus Pelamis. And the fact is that the over-name tuna is used on many occasions even though it is not a tuna. Something that will make us even more confused.
This species is used, above all, for canning.
Melva, Auxis Thazard
Another type of tuna that can perfectly swell the list, as it is marketed under the name of Bonito. But it has nothing to do with white tuna. It is a fish of the family of the scombridae, to which the mackerel also belongs.
It is also widely used for canning. But it is important to distinguish it from the White Tuna, as the latter is of lower quality and therefore cheaper than the White Tuna, which is a highly prized fish.
As you can see, there are many options at the fishmonger’s if we want to prepare a tuna delicacy. To know well each one of the types of tuna, and its commercial name, that is to say, with which it is sold, is very important to make an intelligent purchase; and also to avoid surprises with the price or the type of meat.
But, in addition to the type of tuna, we also have to take into account other aspects, such as the cut. Because not all the parts are the same nor are they suitable for the same elaborations.
And with this, we finish with the types of tuna that you can find in the market. And you, did you know them? Remember to leave us your comments, ideas, tips, opinions… We love to read you!
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