Dumplings are small portions of dough with different fillings. They are very similar to our typical dumplings from Asian cuisine. And, besides having their own day on the calendar (Dumpling Day is celebrated every September 26th), they also have a great story behind them. Do you want to know it? Join us to discover the origin and history of Dumpling.

As we mentioned before, dumplings are small dough morsels of different types. They can be filled with a multitude of fillings. Meat, fish, vegetables, fruits… And all kinds of sweets. Then they can be grilled, steamed, fried… They are an important part of what we call Dim Sun, a very typical starter of Asian gastronomy. That is why, as dumplings are usually part of Dim Sum, they can be confused.
They are usually eaten at tea time, as has always been traditional in China. In addition, this popular dish is closely related to other dishes from different countries. Because in all gastronomies we find dishes consisting of a dough with some kind of filling. Therefore, today we want to know the origin of Dumpling and the history behind it.
History and Origin of Dumpling
Dumpling is a typical food of Asian cuisine. And, although it is believed that its origin was in the province of Canton, in southern China, the truth is that we can find very similar recipes already in Roman times.
Moreover, if we stick to the definition of Dumpling, as a dough filled with various ingredients, we can find them in virtually all countries. Dumplings, Italian Ravioli, Japanese Gyozas, Polish Pierogi… There are many elaborations that are prepared in a similar way. Therefore, we can deduce that Chinese dumplings are a variant of the ancient recipe found in the Roman recipe book Apicius.
Its origin in China
However, we find another legend, somewhat more recent, which locates the origin of dumpling in China. Although we cannot verify the veracity of this story, it is certainly worth telling.
It tells of a young medical practitioner named Zhang Zhongjing, who lived between 206 B.C. and 220 A.D. Zhang had to live through one of the most difficult winters of the time. He saw how people became sick, the population was not able to withstand the freezing temperatures, and suffered greatly.
The young practitioner, eager to help his people, devised a recipe that would also serve as a natural remedy. For this, he took lamb and different herbs. He wrapped everything in a rich dough and steamed it so that the vapors would unify and it would withstand the heat inside.
These stupendous elaborations, the mother of dumplings, helped all those who ate them. They were perfect to overcome the cold if eaten freshly made, and helped everyone to overcome that cruel winter. But, in addition, the combination of herbs that Zhang used in his recipe, served as a natural remedy. For it promoted proper blood circulation, so it also helped prevent frostbite.
Many years later we found out how to name these dumplings.
But who gave them the name dumplings? Although we do not know with certainty the history of who was responsible for the name dumpling, we do know that it appears for the first time in the United States. It is found in a cookbook from the year 1600. There they talk about dumpling and allude that the name could have a Germanic origin.
And with this we end the story of this fantastic food, what did you think? Did you know the origin of Dumplings? If you liked it, remember to leave us your comments, ideas, opinions… We love to read you! And don’t forget to follow us on social networks to keep up to date with all our publications. You can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.