Who can resist some delicious french fries? There is no more appetizing side dish. They go with all kinds of dishes, even with mussels, one of Belgium’s most characteristic dishes. But also on their own, they are a spectacular appetizer, especially when accompanied by an infinite number of sauces. This magnificent, world-famous recipe could not go without its own day in the calendar. So, every August 20, World French Fries Day is celebrated. Will you celebrate it with us?

French fries, a dish with uncertain origins
Although the classic debate focuses on two countries as possible origins of French fries, Belgium and France, the truth is that there are many other options.
There are several legends that attribute this invention to Belgium. However, others claim that potato chips came to Belgium from Galicia. Since Spain was the first country in Europe to come into contact with potatoes, and also an important oil producer, it is not surprising that they were fried here earlier than the Belgian legends say.
But, if we go back even further in history, we find historians’ writings that affirm that in Chile, before the discovery of America, potatoes were already being fried.
Therefore, it is almost impossible to know with certainty the origin of this delicious dish. But we are not going to stop celebrating World French Fry Day.
French Fries Day, August 20th
Although we may think that this dish does not fit in the middle of summer, the truth is that it is such a simple and delicious preparation that any time is a good time.
It is not known who created this day (as you may have seen, everything about french fries is an unknown), but most probably it was in the United States, to give even more fame to this delicious dish.
They also have their own day, the National French Fry Day, which is celebrated every July 13.
Did you know that the average American eats more than 13 kilos of french fries a year?
And you, are you up for celebrating this day? Remember to leave us your comments, ideas… You can also follow us on social networks to keep up to date with all our publications. You can find us on Twitter and Instagram.