Smoothies, those refreshing, creamy, sweet drinks… Perfect to treat yourself from time to time. And they are the best option for a sweet breakfast, for an afternoon snack, as a dessert… The truth is that a milkshake comes in at any time, and even more so if it is chocolate! This is the milkshake we are going to talk about today, coinciding with its day. Since every September 12 is celebrated the day of the chocolate milkshake.

These drinks are made from milk and other ingredients such as fruit, sweets, ice cream… And they are a very tasty drink that everyone likes. In addition, we can find an infinite number of flavors for our milkshakes. We can elaborate them with different fruits or ice creams, also very popular milkshakes.
Origin of Milkshakes
Milkshakes have a very curious origin. Centuries ago, the word milkshake did not have the meaning we give it today.
The first time we found this word written in a recipe book was in Spain, in 1607. But it referred to a mixture of eggs and flour that was used to coat food.
Much later, in 1885, the term Milkshake appeared. But not as we know it today. It was an alcoholic drink, made with eggs, whiskey and other ingredients.
Later, this drink began to be sold in pharmacies, as a tonic, and it was here that the alcohol was replaced by chocolate, strawberry and vanilla syrup, thus giving birth to these three popular milkshakes.
Celebrate Chocolate Milkshake Day
Every September 12 is a perfect day for all chocolate lovers, as the International Chocolate Milkshake Day is celebrated. A sweet, refreshing and perfect drink to give us a treat on occasion.
Or, a simple dessert that will please everyone if you do not want to get too complicated with your visits.
And don’t forget the whipped cream and syrup to decorate it. Remember to share it with everyone using the hashtag #ChocolateMilkshakeDay.
Are you up for celebrating?
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